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How would the "Brexit" affect the Canary Islands?

Experts think that the United Kingdom leaving the European Union would not affect tourism. The majority of British people who live in the Canary Islands are in favour of staying.

Las incertidumbres que plantea el 'Brexit' para España
Las incertidumbres que plantea el 'Brexit' para España

European Union experts, such as Jesus Arteaga, doubt that the possible Brexit would considerably affect numbers of British tourists coming to the islands. He understands that, regardless of whether the United Kingdom stays in the EU or not, British people are still going to continue coming here on holiday. Although he does recognise that an exit could affect the location of transportation companies and tour operators, which would become non-European Union companies.

Of the 300,000 British people who live in Spain, 27,000 reside in the Canary Islands. Lucy Hoogs is one of these people, having initially arrived in the islands five years ago. She is an English teacher anda graduate from the University of Leeds, very close to where the Labour MP Jo Cox was murdered after having campaigned for the United Kingdom to stay in the European Union.  Lucy says that she is worried as she doesn't know what would happen with her job or if she would be able to access healthcare if her British compatriots vote in favour of abandoning the EU on 23 June.