78 RPM   Dixieland, swing, fox trot español 25/01/2022 59:09

Dixieland, swing, fox trot español, western swing, country blues, string band, paso doble, rumba pregón, calypso, hawaiian, wasboard, novelty, jazz, foxtrot.

1.– “South Rampart Street Parade”. Bob Crosby's Bob Cats

2.– “Cat's Head”. Joe Manone's Harmony Kings

3.- “Muchacho Tímido”. Alicia Palacios con la Orquesta Plantación

4.- “Danza De Texas”. Los Chicos De Las Praderas

5.- “My Pencil Won'T Write No More”. Bo Carter

6.- “Dry And Dusty”. Morrison Twin Brothers String Band

7.- “España Cañí”. Feliciano Brunelli

8.- “Peanut Vendor”. Diosa Costello

09.- "Bing Crosby". The Lion

10.- “Match Box Blues”. Roy Newman & His Boys

11.- “Lei Hinahina”. John K. Almeida And His Hawaiians

12.- “Sugar Blues”. Alabama Jug Band

13.- “I Just Wanna Play With You”. Hoosier Hot Shots

14.- “Blues In Disguise” Mezz Mezzrow And His Orchestra

15.- “The One Man Band”. Ben Selvin and His Orchestra

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