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  4. La patrulla canina en inglés - Pups save the pirated sea patroller
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Para todos los públicos Pups save the pirated sea patroller
Transcripción completa

# Paw Patrol # # Paw Patrol #

# Will be there on the double #

# Whenever there's a problem Round Adventure Bay #

# Ryder and his team of pups Will come and save the day. #

# Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye! #

# Yeah, they're on the way! #

# Paw Patrol # # Paw Patrol #

# Whenever you're in trouble #

# Paw Patrol # # Paw Patrol #

# Will be there on the double #

# No job's too big! #

# No pup's too small! # # Paw Patrol, we're on a roll! #

# So here we go, Paw Patrol #

# Wo-oh-oh-oh Paw Patrol #

# Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh Paw Patrol #

-How exciting! The Paw Patrol should be here any minute

with our repaired Ferris Wheel!



Okay, pups, you know what to do. Let's get that Ferris Wheel back

to where it belongs.


-Looking good from up here, Ryder!

Thanks, Skye. Rubble! Ready to lift it?

-Here comes the crane.

Uh-oh, looks like oil.

Somebody could slip on that. I better wash it with some water.

(BARKING) Water cannon!

All clear! Whoa-oa!



RoboDog, we have to catch that runaway Ferris Wheel.

Activate amphibious mode.

Let's pull up beside it. Activate crane.

We did it!


-Arr! Now there be a treasure I need, need, need!

A ship that can drive upon land!

Ahoy and a half! That's a ship you need for sure,

Cap'n Boss Mister Sid, sir. Oops!

-Hey! Careful, Arrby. Now I just need a sneaky plan

to snatch that Sea Patroller.

It better be a good one,

because last time the Sea Patrol really outsmarted you...

I mean, us. Arr! (GIGGLES, BARKS)

-That's it! If you want to snatch a big fish

like the Sea Patroller you just need the right bait!

I've got an idea.

(KIDS) Yay! Woo hoo!


Ryder, I'm really sorry my little oopsie

almost wrecked the Ferris Wheel.

That's okay, Marshall. It was just an accident.

Oopsie again?


-Here be the plan. We'll take the Ferris Wheel,

then tow it out to sea and sink it!

But leave clues for the Sea Patrol to follow.

-Great idea! Wait. Won't they find us?

-Not a chance! They'll be going underwater

to save the Ferris Wheel while we'll be above water

taking their Sea Patroller!

Har har! Oh. (WHISPERS) Har har.

(WHISPERS) -Har har.

-Okay, Arrby, now hold fast!

Ha ha! The trap is set for the Sea Patroller!

(BOTH) Harr arr arr!

-Come on, Chickaletta,

don't want to be late to open up the Ferris Wheel.

Woo ooh, ooh!


You're right. Our Ferris Wheel is... gone!

I better call Ryder.

Zuma and I are on duty today. Have fun, everybody.

-Cool! 'Cause this pup wants to get diggity with some sand castles.

(CHUCKLES) Hi, Mayor Goodway. What's wrong?

-You mean, what's gone?

Our Ferris Wheel!

Oh, no.

-There's nothing left except a broken pier and chicken tears.


Don't worry, Mayor. No Ferris Wheel is too big,

no pup is too small.

Sea Patrol to the Beach Tower!

(PUPS) Ryder needs us!


Oh, whoa!


Huh? Whoa-oh-oh!

(PUPS) Careful! Look out!

Oof! Well, at least my tail won't sink.



Sea Patrol, ready for action, Captain Ryder, sir!

Good, because the Ferris Wheel's missing.


We've gotta find it and bring it back.

So for this mission I'll need...

Skye. I'll need you to use your sea plane

to search for it from up high in the air.

(BARKS) -Let's take to the sky!

Chase. I'll need you to use your boat to look

for clues on the water.

Chase is on the case!

And Zuma. Since you're on lifeguard duty,

I need you to keep people off the broken pier.

-Let's dive in!

All right! Sea Patrol is on a roll!


Motor up, RoboDog.


# (Go, go, go, go!) #

RoboDog, take us to sea.

# (Go, go, go, go!) #

Chase, Skye, get ready to launch.


Chase! # (Go, go, go, go!) #


Skye! # (Go, go, go, go!) #

Ryder, what do you think happened to the Ferris Wheel?

Well, the weather was calm, so it couldn't have blown away.

I think that somebody took it.

But who would do such a mean thing?

Somebody who's always taking stuff

and has a ship big enough to pull off a pier and pull a Ferris Wheel.

Somebody like... (GASPS) All paws on deck!


Sea Patrol, keep a sharp eye out for thar pirate scalawag,

Sid Swashbuckle.

You got it, Ryder.


-This be a fine spot.

Prepare to board our floating treasure!

-Aye, aye, Captain.

-Hold tight!

And now we're going to sink it!

-Great plan, Captain Boss Mister Sid, sir.

Now let's push this into the bay!

(GRUNTING/GROANING) -Arr, arr! Come on, Arrby!


Uh-oh! Sounds like the Sea Patroller's coming.

-Then prepare to submerge!

-Nothing yet, Ryder.

Oh! Wait a minute! I think I spotted the broken pier.

Good job, Skye. Full speed ahead. We'll meet you there.

Hey, launch your boat and help Chase keep passing boats safely away.

I'm fired up!

The rest of you pups come with me.

We'll use the ship to float the Ferris Wheel back

to the surface.


Marshall! # (Go, go, go, go!) #


Sub Patroller is on a roll!

RoboDog! Stand by below deck in case we need extra gear.

-Ahoy, Arrby, now is our chance.

The Paw Patrol's away from their ship.

Okay, pups, I'll launch the floats and you attach them

to the big wheel.

-Got it!

-Let's go!

Okay, Ryder!


-Woo hoo! Awesome!

Operation floating Ferris Wheel ready to commence.

Good work. Stand back.

One big wheel coming up.


-Let's get sneaky! Sea Patroller here we come!


Now to sail this super ship away!

as soon as I find the start button! Arr!

-Uh, Captain Boss Mister Sid, sir? Are we just gonna leave our old ship?

-Oh, who needs an old ship when we've got ourselves

this shiny new one!

Arrby, looks like we have a stowaway.

Make sure that Robo rover stays locked below!

Sorry, pup, Captain's orders. Arr!


-That stowaway is stowed away.

Uh, what? Uh, oh, good job. Now which one of these buttons.

(GASPS) Shiver me timbers!

We're underway, har, har, har, har!

What? Ryder! Where's Robodog taking our ship?

RoboDog! Come in! Where are you going? Huh?

Pups, try to catch up to the Sea Patroller.

Roger that. On it.


It's not RoboDog steering.


(BOTH) It's Sid Swashbuckle?!

We've got to stop him.

Whoa! Look out! Sorry, sorry, sorry! Uh-oh!

Watch out!


Oh, no!


What's up Marshall?

It's what's coming down.

Oh! The Ferris Wheel.

Yeah. I accidentally sunk it.

It's okay.We'll be floating it. Chase go after the Sea Patroller.

We're on our way. We'll do our best.

Nice steering, Captain Boss Mister Sid, sir.

Uh-oh! Those Sea Patrol pups are after us again.

-Arrr! Before they get too close,

we'll find a hiding spot on yon island.


-Um, Captain Boss, Mister Sid, sir,

maybe you should turn starboard or port or anywhere else

but straight ahead!

-Aha! Guess my first mate forgot this super ship

comes equipped with...


-Yo ho ho, our ship is a car?


-Aye! And what's even cooler,

now we can take whatever we want on land!

Harr! Harr! But first,

let's hide from those pups.


That pirate must be on the other side of the island.

I'll go this way.

And I'll go that way.


-Arrr! Hahaha!

It's like the Sea Patroller just disappeared.

It's gotta be around here somewhere. Let's keep searching.

I wonder if I missed it somehow.

Oh! No!



-Avast! I need, need, need that shiny red boat.

Time to get piratey.

I've got to get back on the trail of the...

Sea Patroller? Hey, I didn't mess up,

I found it!

And it found me.

Stop! Put me down!


Ahhh! Oof!

You! New pirate pup, start swabbin' the deck,


RoboDog? Where'd you pirates put him?

Where he wouldn't be any trouble.

Shiny! Looks like somethin' I need, need, need.

Hey! That's my pup tag. Give it back!

Oh, this pup tag's perfect for my new treasure chest.

Yo, ho, ho!

Now how am I going to call Ryder?

Captain Boss Mister Sid, sir,

maybe we should get going before the Sea Patrol

comes looking for the missing pup.

-Good point. Arrr! Let's prepare to pull our wheels

and set sail for Adventure Bay!

Any luck finding the Sea Patroller?

Not yet, Ryder.

I searched everywhere and didn't see a thing.

And now I've lost Marshall!

Oh no! Let me try to reach him.

Ryder calling Marshall. Where are you?

Hello? Are you there?

No answer. Maybe he can't hear his pup tag.

Ahoy! I have a new sneaky plan.

We'll roll up onto Adventure Beach

and grab some more Sea Patrol boats and whatever other treasure

strikes me fancy!

-Super sneaky plan, Captain.

That calls for a super sneaky pirate dance.

(SING) #Do our sneaky pirate dance Or we'll toss you by your pants#

#Yo, ho, ho! To Adventure Bay we go!#

Gotta get my pup tag to warn Ryder.

Join our jig, pup. Captain's orders.

Whoa! I'm okay.

Arr harr har!

Such a funny, clumsy pup.

Come on, funny pup, let's see that dance!


Har, har, har!

Whoopsie! Oof!

-He makes me laugh. -Ah, me too. Har, har!

Now I can pup tag Ryder.

Good thing I'm so good at being clumsy.

Hm. Last time I saw Marshall, we were near this island.

Everyone spread out and look for clues.

It looks like Marshall's fire boat was here.

And these look like big tire tracks from the...

Sea Patroller! I bet Marshall had a run-in with that pirate Sid.

(Pup pad rings)

Hey, Ryder. Marshall.

Are you okay?

Fine, except for being trapped on the Sea Patroller,

and RoboDog is locked below.

What's Captain Sid doing with the Sea Patroller?

He's gonna sail to Adventure Bay to take our gear.

That greedy pirate wants everything he sees.

We'll stop him. But we'll need your help.

(CLEARS THROAT) Why aren't you swabbing?

Uh oh, gotta go! Sorry!

Pups, we've gotta stop Sid and Arrby.

Next stop, Seal Island. We'll call Zuma on the way.

Seal Island? Why there, Ryder?

I've got a plan.

We're gonna set a trap for that pup-snatchin' pirate.

We may not have a Ferris Wheel but, at least,

we have a stunning sunset to enjoy.


Yes, indeed, Chickaletta.

(Boat horn)

Oh, and here's the Sea Patroller.

Perhaps Ryder has news of our missing wheel.

(ON PUP TAG) -Zuma. Sid and Arrby are headed to Adventure Beach

in the Sea Patroller.

-Ryder's right.

It's that pirate Sid and his dog...

and Marshall?

-And they're heading right at us!

Careful, everyone! The Sea Patroller's coming in fast.

Clear the beach!

Thanks for helping, Cap'n Turbot.

I think we can trick Sid Swashbuckle with a super fancy ship.

Hm. Maybe. If we strung a few flickery lights on the Flounder

and gave her a good wash.

Actually, I want to use your lighthouse

to project a big ship out at sea.

So Sid will sail out to a shadowy, fake ship? Ha! Sharp strategy.

-Shame on you, you naughty pirate boy!

Oh no!

-And I need, need, need that beach umbrella and that chair!

And that little girl's big swan floaty!

-Everybody! Abandon beach!

-Oh! Not my good hat!

(SQUAWKS) -Oh...!

Ryder, can you hear me?

Sid's taking everything he sees.

It'll be okay, Marshall.

Just keep your eye out on the bay for another pirate ship.

There's more pirates?!

No. It's a trick.

But I need you to make sure Sid sees it.

When Sid is distracted by this new ship,

you free RoboDog so he can pilot the Sea Patroller.

Okay. I just hope I don't dosomething clumsy

and mess up.

I know you can do this, Marshall.

So now we get what we really came for...

those Paw Patrol boats! I need, need, need, them!

The cut-out's in place.

And the light... is on.

(PUPS) Wow!

That's one fine phony floater.

Pirate Sid, look.

Out in the bay! Avast! Ahoy!

Isn't that the biggest ship you've ever seen?

Aye! Now, that's a ship worth needing!

Arrby, back to boat mode.

We're going to take a closer look!

-Aye, aye, Captain.


Ryder. Sid's heading back out to sea!

Great! But that big ship still needs to seem more real.

Chase. Use your megaphone to sound like pirates lost at sea.


Yo, ho!

Avast! This be a beach we've never seen! Arr! Arr!

-Captain Boss Mister Sid, sir.

Sounds like that big pirate ship is in trouble.

-Aye, then it'll be easier for the taking!

RoboDog? (BARKS)



Shh! We have to be super quiet. (BARKS)

Here's the plan. You hide behind that barrel

then I'll go and get Sid away from the bridge

by acting clumsy and silly like last time.

He thinks it's hilarious.

That's when you sneak up there and take the controls.

And now to tow the Sea Patroller behind that big, new boat

and use it to stow all the land treasures we'll take.

-Good thinking.

-Spotted pup, what are you doing?

Just putting the ship in ship-shape before you get your new ship.


(BARKS) Water cannons!


You're such a funny clumsy pup. Water!

Clumsy me.

Hey! Nobody gets this buccaneer wet! Turn that thing off!

-Yep, it's true.

For a pirate, Sid doesn't really like water.

Sorry. Having a little trouble turning off my cannon.

Oh, then I'll do it!

Guess this clumsy pup's aim is not too good.

It's the Sea Patroller!

Now to get back on. Hold on, it's full speed ahead.

Arrr! Turn those cannons off!

Or I'll make you walk the plank!

Uh, better watch your step.


Why, you sneaky pup!

-I'll help you Captain Boss Mister Sid, sir.

-Huh? -Well, blow me down!

Sid Swashbuckle, we're taking back our ship.

Ryder! Am I happy to see you.

Who needs your dinky boat or your clumsy pup?

I'm getting me a super schooner!

Wait, Sid. You should know!

You should know not to tell me what I should know!

Later, land lubbers!


Arr! Ryder, you tricked me! No fair!

Like you tricked us.

Let's row. Arrby, we gotta find our old boat!

(LAUGHS) -Fantastic!

Oh, Ryder thank you so much for saving our big wheel.

You're welcome. And if it ever disappears again,

just yelp for help.

Of course we couldn't have done it without Marshall.

Three cheers for our good pup Marshal.

Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! (SQUAWKS)

Yay for me! Whoa-oh!

(LAUGHS) Sometimes it's good to be clumsy.

La patrulla canina en inglés

18 Episodios

  • Pups save a duck pond

    Pups save a duck pond

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Pups save the snowshoeing goodways

    Pups save the snowshoeing goodways

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 10 sec

  • Pups Save the Yoga Goats

    Pups Save the Yoga Goats

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Pups Save Gustavo's Guitar

    Pups Save Gustavo's Guitar

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 10 sec

  • Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Big Bad Bot

    Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Big Bad Bot

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 10 sec

  • Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Mighty Pups Versus the Copycat

    Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Mighty Pups Versus the Copycat

    La patrulla canina en inglés21 min, 43 sec

  • Ultimate rescue. Pups save the royal kitties

    Ultimate rescue. Pups save the royal kitties

    La patrulla canina en inglés21 min, 43 sec

  • Pups Stop a Far Flung Flying Disc

    Pups Stop a Far Flung Flying Disc

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Pups Save A Humsquatch

    Pups Save A Humsquatch

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 11 sec

  • Pups save a popped top

    Pups save a popped top

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • The pawpaws

    The pawpaws

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 10 sec

  • Pups Save A Roo

    Pups Save A Roo

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Pups Save The Squirrels

    Pups Save The Squirrels

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 11 sec

  • Pups save the pirated sea patroller

    Pups save the pirated sea patroller

    La patrulla canina en inglés21 min, 43 sec

  • Pups save the white wolf

    Pups save the white wolf

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 11 sec

  • Pups save a wrong way explorer

    Pups save a wrong way explorer

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Heady humdinger

    Heady humdinger

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • The bookmobile

    The bookmobile

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 9 sec

La patrulla canina en inglés - Pups save the pirated sea patroller


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre La patrulla canina en inglés

La patrulla canina en inglés

La patrulla canina en inglés

Liderados por un niño llamado Ryder...

un equipo de seis perros de rescate utilizan sus talentos individuales para proteger la ciudad costera de Adventure Bay.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 10:55 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.