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Tragedia aérea en Marruecos

Tragedia aérea en Marruecos

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  • El avión militar se ha estrellado al sur de Marruecos.

    El Hércules C-130 se ha estrellado cerca del aeródromo de Guelmin

    View of the wreckage of a military transport plane after it crashed in Goulmim, southern Morocco on July 26, 2011. A military transport plane slammed into a mountainside in bad weather in southern Morocco today, killing all 80 people on board, a hospital source said. The army earlier said 78 people were killed and three were rushed to hospital in serious condition after the Hercules C-130 crashed on the edge of the Sahara desert in Morocco's worst military aviation disaster. AFP PHOTO / STR

  • Los equipos de rescate trasladan los cuerpos de los pasajeros del avión militar siniestrado en Marruecos.

    Los equipos de rescate trasladan los cuerpos del avión siniestrado.

    Rescuers carry a body after a military transport place crashed in southern Morocco on July 26, 2011. A military transport plane slammed into a mountainside in bad weather in southern Morocco today, killing all 80 people on board, a hospital source said. The army earlier said 78 people were killed and three were rushed to hospital in serious condition after the Hercules C-130 crashed on the edge of the Sahara desert in Morocco's worst military aviation disaster. AFP PHOTO / STR

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