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Pamplona despide sus sanfermines de 2011

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  • Miles de participantes dicen adiós a los sanfermines entre los lamentos,cánticos y los bailes

    Revellers raise red scarves and candles as they sing the song 'Pobre de Mi', marking the end of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona early on July 15, 2011. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture, despite heavy condemnation from animal rights groups, and attracts thousands of tourists to watch the bull runs. AFP PHOTO / PEDRO ARMESTRE

  • Pamplona entona el "Pobre de mí" para despedir los sanfermines 2011

    Revellers raise red scarves and candles as they sing the song 'Pobre de Mi', marking the end of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona early on July 15, 2011. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture, despite heavy condemnation from animal rights groups, and attracts thousands of tourists to watch the bull runs. AFP PHOTO / PEDRO ARMESTRE

  • Miles de personas han participado en la ceremonia de cierre de los sanfermines

    Revellers raise red scarves and candles as they sing the song 'Pobre de Mi', marking the end of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona early on July 15, 2011. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture that attracts thousands of tourists to watch the bull runs despite heavy condemnation from animal rights groups. AFP PHOTO / ANDER GILLENEA

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