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Los zombies toman Madrid

Los zombies toman Madrid

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  • People dressed like Zombies take part in a Zombie gathering in Madrid

    Zombies en Madrid

    People dressed like Zombies take part in a Zombie gathering in Madrid February 7, 2009. Men and women from all over Spain gathered in Madrid to celebrate "Zombie Pride Day" and to pay homage to George A. Romero, director of horror film classic "Night of the Living Dead." REUTERS/Susana Vera (SPAIN)
  • A man dressed like a Zombie rides the subway in Madrid

    Zombies en Madrid

    A man dressed like a Zombie rides the subway in Madrid February 7, 2009. Men and women from all over Spain gathered in Madrid to celebrate "Zombie Pride Day" and to pay homage to George A. Romero, director of horror film classic "Night of the Living Dead." REUTERS/Susana Vera (SPAIN)

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