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El volcán Merapi entra en erupción en la isla de Java

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  • Volunteers carry the bodies of victims of Mount Merapi eruption at Kinarrejo village in Sleman

    Voluntarios recogen los cadáveres de algunas vícitmas de la erupción del volcán del monte Merapi en el pueblo de Sleman

    Volunteers carry the bodies of those who died after Mount Merapi erupted, at Kinarrejo village in Sleman, near the ancient city of Yogyakarta, October 27, 2010. One of Indonesia's most dangerous volcanoes has killed at least 15 people since it began erupting, forcing thousands to flee mountain villages and blanketing nearby villages and towns in ash, witnesses said on Wednesday. REUTERS/Beawiharta (INDONESIA - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT IMAGES OF THE DAY)

  • Un voluntario indonesio llega al hospital de Pakem cubierto de ceniza tras ayudar en las tareas de evacuación.

    Un voluntario indonesio llega al hospital de Pakem cubierto de ceniza tras ayudar en las tareas de evacuación.

    Paramedics wheel an Indonesian volunteer covered in ash on a stretcher at a hospital in Pakem district in Sleman, near Indonesia's ancient city of Yogyakarta October 26, 2010. The volcano Mount Merapi erupted on Tuesday, prompting terrified villagers to flee and join the thousands already evacuated from its slopes. REUTERS/Dwi Oblo (INDONESIA - Tags: DISASTER IMAGES OF THE DAY HEALTH)

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