El antes y el después de un refugiado rohinyá
El antes y el después de un refugiado rohinyá
Yusuf, 22 años, un rohinyá refugiado en Indonesia.
29.05.2015This combination of photographs shows (TOP) a photo taken on May 14, 2015 of a Rohingya migrant man from Myanmar, Yusuf, 22 looking on from a drifting boat in the Thai waters off the southern island of Koh Lipe in the Andaman sea and (BOTTOM) a photo taken on May 28, 2015 of Yusuf posing at a confinement camp at Bayeun district in Indonesia's Aceh province after Indonesian fishermen rescued about 400 Rohingya migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh from the boat on May 20, 2015 off the eastern coast of Aceh. AFP PHOTO / Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / Chaideer MAHYUDDINYusuf, 22 años. Tras llegar en barco a Indonesia, se encuentra refugiado en el campo de internamiento de Bayeun.AFP PHOTO / Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / Chaideer MAHYUDDIN -
Foto del antes y el después de los migrantes Abdul Rasyid, 37 y el bengalí Sohidurrahman, 20.
29.05.2015This combo photo shows a file picture of (L) Rohingya migrants from Myanmar, Abdul Rasyid, 37, (top standing) and Bangladeshi migrant Sohidurrahman, 20, (bottom) reacting as they look on from a boat drifting in Thai waters off the southern island of Koh Lipe in the Andaman on May 14, 2015 and (R) the same men Abdul Rasyid (L) and Sohidurrahman (R) standing together at a confinement camp at Bayeun district in Indonesia's Aceh province on May 28, 2015 after Indonesian fishermen rescued about 400 Rohingya migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh from a boat on May 20, 2015 off the eastern coast of Aceh. AFP PHOTO / Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / Chaideer MAHYUDDINAFP PHOTO / Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / Chaideer MAHYUDDIN
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