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Disturbios en Egipto

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  • Los manifestantes toman la calle para exigir que la junta militar traspase el poder a la autoridad civil

    Los manifestantes toman la calle para exigir que la junta militar traspase el poder a la autoridad civil

    An Egyptian police vehicle burns as protesters clash with riot police at Cairo's landmark Tahrir Square on November 19, 2011. Egyptian police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to break up a sit-in among whose organisers were people injured during the Arab Spring which overthrew veteran president Hosni Mubarak. AFP PHOTO / KHALED DESOUKI

  • Los manifestantes queman el mobiliario que se encuentran a su pasoTahrir Square in Cairo

    Los manifestantes queman el mobiliario que se encuentran a su paso

    Protesters burn banners and police boxes during clashes with Egyptian riot police clash at Tahrir Square in Cairo November 19, 2011.At least one person was killed and more than 650 wounded in clashes between riot police and protesters in Cairo's Tahrir square Saturday, official said, after a protest demanding the ruling military transfer power swiftly to a civilian government. REUTERS/Stringer (EGYPT - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CRIME LAW)

  • Los primeros en retomar la plaza fueron manifestantes muy jóvenes, algunos de ellos incluso menores de edad. Tras ellos se incorporaron personas de mayor edad

    Los primeros en retomar la plaza fueron manifestantes muy jóvenes, algunos de ellos incluso menores de edad. Tras ellos se incorporaron personas de mayor edad

    An Egyptian police vehicle burns as protesters clash with riot police at Cairo's landmark Tahrir Square on November 19, 2011. Egyptian police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to break up a sit-in among whose organisers were people injured during the Arab Spring which overthrew veteran president Hosni Mubarak. AFP PHOTO / KHALED DESOUKI

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