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Terremoto en Pakistán

Terremoto en Pakistán

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  • Familiares esperan a las puertas de un hospital la llegada de los cadáveres de las víctimas del terremoto.

    Terremoto Pakistan en un hospital

    Familiares esperan a las puertas de un hospital la llegada de los cadáveres de las víctimas del terremoto.
  • Los vecinos pasan la noche en la calle

    Residents sit outside their homes as an earthquake jolts the city of Quetta

    Residents sit outside their homes as an earthquake jolts the city of Quetta October 29, 2008. At least 80 people were killed when a strong earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Wednesday, bringing down hundreds of houses and the toll was expected to rise, a district official said. REUTERS/Rizwan Saeed (PAKISTAN)
  • Terremoto en Pakistán

    A doctor attends to a man injured in an earthquake in the city of Quetta

    A doctor attends to a man injured in an earthquake in the city of Quetta October 29, 2008. At least 80 people were killed when a powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Wednesday bringing down hundreds of mud-walled houses and the toll was expected to rise, a district official said. REUTERS/Rizwan Saeed (PAKISTAN)

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