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Nuevas especies en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Nuevas especies en Papúa Nueva Guinea

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    â¿" A jumping spider species new to science, Tabuina varirata, and from a genus new to science, was found on a conifer tree in a rainforest clearing during a Conservation International (CI) led Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) expedition of Papua New Guineaâ¿¿s highlands wilderness in 2008.
  • Una gran rana, la Nyctiystes sp., con ojos enormes, es otro de los hallazgos.


    A large tree frog, Nyctimystes sp., with enormous eyes that was found next to a clear running mountain river during a Conservation International (CI) led Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) expedition of Papua New GuineaÕs highlands wilderness in 2008 is believed to be new to science.
  • Una pequeña Oreophryne, también desconocida hasta ahora.


    A tiny species with a sharp chirping call believed to be new to science, Oreophryne sp., was discovered in limestone hills during a Conservation International (CI) led Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) expedition of Papua New GuineaÕs highlands wilderness in 2008.

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