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Las marchas del 12M en imágenes

Las marchas del 12M en imágenes

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  • Primer aniversario del 15M

    Numerosas pancartas hacen referencia a la polémica nacionalización de Bankia

    Spain's "indignants" protesters demonstrate at Cibeles square in Madrid on May 12, 2012, to decry economic injustice in a show of strength one year after their birth shook the political establishment. The marches will launch a four-day protest that will end on May 15, the anniversary of the movement's birth -- a date that led them to being dubbed 15-M. AFP PHOTO/ Jaime REINA

  • Primer aniversario del 15M

    La sede del Gobierno regional de Madrid está protegido por multitud de furgones policiales

    Spain's "indignants" protesters demonstrate at the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid on May 12, 2012, to decry economic injustice in a show of strength one year after their birth shook the political establishment. The marches will launch a four-day protest that will end on May 15, the anniversary of the movement's birth -- a date that led them to being dubbed 15-M. AFP PHOTO/ Jaime REINA


    NAC146, MADRID, 12/5/2012.- Integrantes del Movimiento 15M en la puerta del Sol de Madrid. Este colectivo ha convocado una manifestación que ha partido de cuatro puntos diferentes de Madrid (San Bernardo, Atocha, Cibeles y Plaza de Oriente) y que concluye en la Puerta del Sol. EFE/Alberto Martín

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