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La JMJ de Brasil 2013 comienza con una misa en Copacabana

Más de medio millón de personas han asistido a la eucaristía inicial en la famosa playa de Río de Janeiro

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  • Banderas de multitud de países ondean durante la eucaristía en Copacabana con la que ha dado comienzo la JMJ de Brasil 2013


    BRA29. RÍO DE JANEIRO (BRASIL), 23/07/2013.- Miles de católicos participan hoy, martes 23 de julio de 2013, en la misa de apertura de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ), a cargo del arzobispo de la ciudad, Orani Joao Tempesta. La XXVIII Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ) se inauguró hoy en Río de Janeiro con la llegada de la cruz peregrina y la imagen de la Virgen María al escenario de la playa de Copacabana, donde se congregaban cientos de miles de personas. EFE/Antonio Lacerda

  • Una tarjeta, firmada por un grupo de fieles, da la bienvenida al papa Francisco a Brasil, donde se celebra la JMJ de 2013


    A woman walks by as people (out of frame) get ready to spend the night in the street in Aparecida, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, on July 23, 2013 in order to keep their place in the queue to get inside the Basilica of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Conception of Aparecida tomorrow during the visit of Pope Francis. The highlight of the landmark visit of Pope Francis to the world's most populous mainly Catholic country will be World Youth Day (WYD), a five-day event that kicks off today. Pope Francis's popularity on his Latin American home turf posed a challenge to Brazilian authorities Tuesday after adoring crowds mobbed his car on his arrival on Monday. AFP PHOTO / CHRISTOPHE SIMON

  • Un grupo de jóvenes transporta la Cruz de los Jóvenes, que ha presidido la misa inaugural de la JMJ en la playa de Copacabana, en Río de Janeiro, Brasil


    Catholic faithfuls carry the World Youth Day (WYD) Cross that in 1984 Pope John Paul II entrusted the youth of the world, to the stage before the start of the WYD opening mass, at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on July 23, 2013. The highlight of the landmark visit of Pope Francis to the world's most populous mainly Catholic country will be WYD, a five-day event that kicks off today. Pope Francis's popularity on his Latin American home turf posed a challenge to Brazilian authorities Tuesday after adoring crowds mobbed his car on his arrival on Monday. AFP PHOTO / TASSO MARCELO

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