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Fotos huelga general 29-S

Fotos huelga general 29-S

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  • Una mujer, frente a una tienda cerrada en el centro de Madrid, donde los piquetes han sido bastante violentos.


    A woman stands in front of a closed shop along Madrid's landmark Gran Via boulevard during a nationwide general strike in central Madrid September 29, 2010. Spanish labour groups, including the two largest unions CCOO and UGT, have called the first general strike in eight years to protest against spending cuts the government says are needed to allay concerns the country could slide into a debt crisis that would threaten the unified euro currency.

  • Un miembro de un piquete abuchea a los empleados de un banco del centro de Barcelona que entran a trabajar.


    Un miembro de un piquete abuchea a los empleados de un banco del centro de Barcelona que entran a trabajar, durante la jornada de huelga general convocada por las centrales sindicales mayoritarias, CCOO y UGT, contra la reforma laboral y la política económica del Gobierno.

  • Un hombre mira un panel con las salidas en el aeropuerto de Palma de Mallorca. Los servicios mínimos pactados fijaron un 50% de los vuelos entre islas, y entre la península y las islas.


    A man watches a flight departures screen at Palma de Mallorca's airport during a nationwide general strike, September 29, 2010. Transport workers gave broad support to a general strike called by Spanish labour groups, including the two largest unions CCOO and UGT, the first in eight years, to protest harsh cuts intended to reduce Spain's budget deficit, and few buses or trains were in operation in Madrid early on Wednesday morning.

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