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Fotos huelga general 29-S

Fotos huelga general 29-S

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  • Un hombre camina junto a un grafitti pintado en el suelo que dice "29S huelga general. Yo voy", en la Plaza Castilla en Madrid.


    A man walks past graffiti on the ground that reads "29S General Strike. I'm going" during a nationwide general strike at Plaza Castilla in Madrid September 29, 2010. Spanish labour groups, including the two largest unions CCOO and UGT, have called the first general strike in eight years to protest against spending cuts the government says are needed to allay concerns the country could slide into a debt crisis that would threaten the unified euro currency.

  • Una pegatina con el lema "cerrado por huelga general" cubre la pantalla de un cajero automático en Madrid.


    A sticker that reads "Closed for general strike" covers the screen of an ATM machine as a man walks out of a bank during a nationwide general strike in central Madrid September 29, 2010. Spanish labour groups, including the two largest unions CCOO and UGT, have called the first general strike in eight years to protest against spending cuts the government says are needed to allay concerns the country could slide into a debt crisis that would threaten the unified euro currency.

  • La Policía arremete contra un piquete informativo que había entrado en un establecimiento, esta mañana en Santiago de Compostela.


    La Policía arremete contra un piquete informativo que había entrado en un establecimiento, esta mañana en Santiago de Compostela, en la jornada de huelga general, convoca en España por CCOO y UGT, contra la reforma laboral acometida por el Gobierno y las posibles modificaciones en materia de pensiones.

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