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Doble atentado en Noruega

Doble atentado en Noruega

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    VEG01. OSLO (NORUEGA), 23/7/2011.- Las banderas a las puertas del Ayuntamiento de Oslo permanecen a media asta hoy, sábado, 23 de julio de 2011, en señal de duelo por el doble atentado de ayer en Oslo (Noruega). El número de víctimas mortales por la matanza en el campamento juvenil socialdemócrata de la isla de Utøya, vecina a Oslo, asciende a 84, informó hoy la policía noruega. El ataque, cuyo presunto autor es un noruego de 32 años de tendencias ultraderechistas e islamófobas, se produjo unas dos horas después del atentado en el centro de la capital noruega, donde asimismo fallecieron siete personas. EFE/Vegard Groett ***PROHIBIDO SU USO EN NORUEGA***

  • Norway's Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere walks during his visit to a youth summer camp in Utoeya island

    Norway's Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere walks during his visit to a youth summer camp in Utoeya island

    El ministro de Exteriores noruego, Jonas Gahr Stoere (centro), camina durante su visita al campamento juvenil de Utoeya donde se produjo la matanza.

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    Norwegian Culture Minister Annikeen Hutfeldt (R) and Eskil Pedersen, the leader of the Norwegian Labour Youth league, leave after giving a press conference at the Sundvolden Hotel, where survivors of the shooting at the Labour Youth League summer camp on the Utoeya island are accommodated,on July 23, 2011. Norwegian police on described the main suspect in twin bomb and shooting attacks that left at least 91 dead as a Christian fundamentalist. A police official said that information gleaned on the internet suggested the 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian was a "Christian fundamentalist." At least 84 people died in the shooting in Utoeya, while seven were killed when a powerful bomb ripped through central Oslo, where the prime minister's office and several government buildings are located. AFP PHOTO / SCANPIX - Hakon Mosvold Larsen = NORWAY OUT

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