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El cónclave, en imágenes

El cónclave, en imágenes

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  • Imagen de las urnas donde los cardenales depositarán sus votos

    This handout picture released by the Press office shows the urns where votes will be placed by Roman Catholic cardinals in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican before the conclave on March 12, 2013. Cardinals moved into the Vatican today as the suspense mounted ahead of a secret papal election with no clear frontrunner to steer the Catholic world through troubled waters after Benedict XVI's historic resignation. The 115 cardinal electors who pick the next leader of 1.2 billion Catholics in a conclave in the Sistine Chapel will live inside the Vatican walls completely cut off from the outside world until they have made their choice.

  • Imagen de la "Sala de las lágrimas", un pequeño cuarto situado al lado de la Capilla Sixtina, donde están las tres sotanas para el papa elegido

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