Sateli 3   The 2017 Chiringuito (17) Sessions: 70's Klaus Choice!!! 21/07/2017 01:00:04

Sinto: "Don´t Do That" - The Bar-Kays

"Song For Aries" - Cactus; "Cherry Red" - The Groundhogs; "Rockout, Whenever You Feel Like" - Cactus; "The Wind And More" - Rocky Erickson; "Old Man Going" - The Pretty Things; (del álbum St. Cecilia) - Stalk Forrest Band; "Wild Little Tiger" - Isley Brothers (feat. Jimi Hendrix); "Gone Train" - Randy Newman; "Don´t Do That" - Bar-Kays; "See Saw" - Aretha Franklin; "I´ll Never Forget You" - The O´Jays; "Mickey´s Tune" - Kaleidoscope (de la BSO de "Zabriski Point"); "Little Maggie" - Sandy Bull; "Parallels" - Suntanama; "Love Scene" - Jerry García (de la BSO de "Zabriski Point", dirigida por Michelangelo Antonioni en 1970)

Sateli 3
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