La cuarta parte   The revival 13/08/2015 59:00

1/ FINALE. The revival. 2/ DON STREET. Future is now. 3/ DA ZOO BROS. Da zoo fam. 4/ MAGIC KIDS. Aire. 5/ PUBLIC ENEMY. Man plans god laughs. 6/ QUELLE CHRIS. The plan. 7/ GEORGIA ANNE MULDROW. Arkansas. 8/ MURS. Okey dog. 9/ SHELAR. De corazón. 10/ THE GRAN PUEBLO. Clap yo hands. 11/ EL CHOJIN. Guapa. 12/ LIO & CRES. Why. 13/ RUKEN. The walking bless. 14/ SLUM VILLAGE. Push it along. 15/ AARON COHEN. Booyaka. 16/ LOGIC. Under pressure.

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