English Language Broadcast   Spain in Our Hearts: Adam Hochschild 12/07/2016 31:08

The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was the great left-wing cause of its time and its tragic ending marked the lives of generations around the globe.  American author and journalist Adam Hochschild has written a new book on the subject described as the "first post-Cold War history of the Spanish Civil War."  Following the experiences of ten English-speaking men and women, Americans and Brits, Hochschild paints a vivid picture of a crucial battlefield - ethical and personal as well as military - and "a resonant one," he says, for our time.  The individual lives he depicts and the fates they met, the futures awaiting them as a consequence of their engagement in the Spanish civil war, provide a fresh and compelling view into the 20th century.

English Language Broadcast
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