English Language Broadcast   Señoritas on Fire 10/04/2014 22:06

 We welcome to our studios two Señoritas On Fire, a pop music show involving twelve Spanish singers (all women) brought together by Natalia Vergara, who conceived of idea while living in London.  Natalia and Sonia Dorado, accompanied by guitarist Daniel Yagüe, talk about the project, launched recently in Madrid and London, and we hear them sing in both recorded versions and live in our studios.  Two of the other performers in Señoritas On Fire who have already visited our studios or whom we've talked about in our programs are Natali Castillo and Luthea Salom.  For more on this dynamic pop-rock project, visit the Señoritas' website at:  www.senoritasonfire.com (10/04/14).

English Language Broadcast
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