English Language Broadcast   Pepe Ferrández and Dixietown 08/04/2016 31:40

Pepe Ferrández is a Spanish music promoter who over the past couple of years has brought a series of excellent American and European musicians to Spain--many of them for the first time--for short but intense tours.  (Pepe's company Soundealers is currently presenting a fascinating American singer and guitarist from Mississippi named Webb Wilder.)  Pepe is also himself a talented singer and guitarist who has released a number of albums with his band Dixietown.  He talks to Justin about his twin vocations of promoting and making music, and we listen to songs from Dixietown's two latest albums, "Same Old Story" and "Burned Alive."  For more information, the website of Pepe's promotion company is: www.soundealers.es , and for more on Pepe's own music with his band, visit: www.dixietown.net .

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