English Language Broadcast   Laura Kumin: Paso a 2 Plataforma Coreográfica 02/07/2015 34:21

 The Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid, the Spanish capital's annual choreography competition, was founded 29 years ago by two American women, Margaret Jova and Laura Kumin, now and for the past 12 years, its sole director and president of Paso a 2 Plataforma Coreográfica Asociación Cultural.  Laura, whose experiences in Spain as a dancer, teacher, journalist and arts-entrepeneur we've heard in two programs last month, also spoke to me about the certamen and how it became the institution it is today.  Then our conversation turned to the more intimate experiences of cultural difference, from clashing work-styles to baking chocolate chip cookies in Madrid.

English Language Broadcast
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