English Language Broadcast   Invisible No More. Part one 13/04/2018 31:24

For more than ten years, NYU Professor James Fernández and journalist Luis Argeo have been researching the little known history of Spanish emigration to the United States. Thanks to their persistence and the enthusiastic colloboration of American descendents of Spanish immigrants, they have been reconstructing this history, which has taken form in a beautiful book of photographs and other memorabilia entitled: Invisible immigrants Spaniards in the United States 1868-1945. This past March, three descendants of Spanish immigrants who accompanied Prof. Fernández on his lecture tour in Spain joined me in the studio to talk about their families and their participation in the project to recover the memory of those "invisible immigrants": Laura Goyanes, Mike Muñoz, Tony Carreño and Bill Wear. This is the first of two programs. You can find out more by checking out the websites: tracesofspainintheus.org and invisibleimmigrants.com

English Language Broadcast
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