English Language Broadcast   Gillian Apter of the Lingua-Arts... 04/06/2013 47:33

We welcome back to Radio Exterior former colleague Gillian Apter, who now runs a successful theatre company in Madrid that specializes in teaching English to Spanish schoolchildren. Gillian founded the Lingua-Arts Theatre Company in 1997, and since then the company has given over 3430 performances (the count at the beginning of this season) of some 16 different plays. Justin Coe joined the schoolchildren in the audiences for the season's closing performances last week of three of the four plays Gillian and her versatile team of five talented (and bilingual) actors have staged this year: "Rachel & the Rainbow," "The Country Mouse & the City Mouse," "To Have and Have Not," and "Romeo & Juliet." The first three works were written by Apter, who also adapted Shakespeare's classic into an hour-long play 20% in Spanish and 80% in English designed to thrill (and, in the end, to make sad and mournful) Spanish schoolchildren between the ages of 14 and 18. For more information on this innovative Madrid-based theatre company, visit their website at: www.lingua-arts.com (04/06/13).

English Language Broadcast
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