English Language Broadcast   English language broadcast - 15/11/14 15/11/2014 29:15

 Justin Coe talks to Elena Iturrieta who, as Ele, has just released her debut album, "Summer Rain," on producer Pablo Cebrián's Arcadia Music label ( www.arcadiamusic.es ).  Born and raised in Madrid, Ele began playing the piano at the age of six and for the past eight years she has been singing in a gospel choir called Gospel Factory, where she says she has learned a lot about performance and improvisation.  Both her long experience at the keyboard and her immersion in gospel show in this delightful album of tunes with infectious rhythms mixed with songs of the kind of intimacy best created by the combination of voice and piano.  We hear four tracks from the new album, "Am I Wasting My Time, "Positivity," "Daniel and Charlie," and title track "Summer Rain," the first song Ele ever composed--at the tender age of 14.  For more on this talented young singer-songwriter, you can visit her attractive website at:  www.elemusica.com .

English Language Broadcast
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