English Language Broadcast   English language broadcast - 13/11/14 13/11/2014 31:36

 The debut full-length album by the Barcelona-based rock trio Mood is entitled "Electric Overdose," but "acoustic" is the approach in the second program Justin Coe dedicates to the group.  Lead vocalist and guitarist Timothy Moore is accompanied by drummer and percussionist Stefan Häublein in a live performance of three tracks from the album, "Gypsy," "Memory Shots," and "The Sorry Song."  This second and rather impromtu interview takes place, somewhat surreptitiously, in the former studio of Radio 3, with a trusty, hand-held digital recorder preserving for posterity a series of memorable questions, answers, and comments about all matter of things...  (The live performance part was not recorded on a hand-held device!)  But seriously, folks, on this trip to Madrid Mood have most assuredly won themselves many new fans, among whom is this program's host...  Intro music: John Lee Hooker's "In the Mood," in a version by Gary Moore (no relation to Timothy, or then again, perhaps a distant cousin...?) and Jack Bruce.  Otro music: the title track of Mood's new album "Electric Overdose."  Label website:  www.ventilador-music.com .

English Language Broadcast
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