El sótano   Rebuscando en el Garage (II) 17/04/2014 57:59

 Ordenando ataúdes y valijas hemos seleccionado otra andanada de discos editados en las dos últimas décadas a cargo de bandas de garage rocknroll. Playlist; The Detroit Cobras (Cha cha twist), Reigning Sound (Break it), Compulsive Gamblers (Stop and think it over), The Woggles (RocknRoll blacklash), The Chesterfield Kings (Rise and fall), The Priests (Not from me), Mondo Topless (Stupidity), The Coyotemen (Hungry), Wau y los Arrrghs! (Piedras), The Wildebeests (Mongoloid), The Hentchmen (Iron pimp), Baby Woodrose (Fortune teller), Good Time Charlie (Fools paradise), Graham Day and the Gaolers (Beggin you) y The Launderettes (No good). 

El sótano
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