El sótano   Gran Combate de RocknRoll 07/03/2014 59:02

Sesión temática dedicada a peleas y luchadores. Canciones sobre rings, trifulcas callejeras y refriegas en garitos. Cartuchos dedicados a grandes figuras de la lucha libre o cantadas por estrellas del boxeo. Ponte los guantes y súbete a bailar a nuestro cuadrilátero subterráneo con Elvis Presley (Trouble), Jimmy Liggins and his Drops of Joy Orchestra (Knocked out), Los Matemáticos (La pelea), Marc Allen Smith (Skeleton fight), The Novas (The crusher), King Krusher and the Turkeynecks (King krusher), Ramones (The crusher), Vigilante Gitano (Piño lata), The Fleshtones (Friends of Bazooka Joe), Southern Culture on the Skids (Viva el Santo), Wade Curtis and the Rhythm Rockers con Dixie Dee (Voodoo mama), The Tomcats (Rumble in Brighton), The Stray Cats (Rumble in Brighton), Jon and the Nightriders (Rumble at Waikiki), The Rolling Stones (Street fighting man), Nick Lowe (Born fighter), Lazy Lester (Im a lover not a fighter) y Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali (Stand by me). (07/03/14)

El sótano
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