El sótano   Curso del 78 (I); The Suicide Commandos, Pere Ubu, The Adver 06/08/2018 58:59

Primer episodio de una larga serie dedicada a repasar y reivindicar algunos de los álbumes más importantes o interesantes de la cosecha de 1978. Discos todos ellos vinculados al punk rock o a la new wave que, salvo alguna excepción, irán apareciendo en orden cronológico, según fueron editados hace 40 años. En este primera entrega nos detenemos en tres poderosos álbumes de debut; “Make a record” por el grupo de Minneapolis The Suicide Commandos, “The modern dance” por la banda de Ohio Pere Ubu y “Crossing the Red Sea...” de los británicos The Adverts.


THE SUICIDE COMMANDOS “Shock appeal” (Make a record)

THE SUICIDE COMMANDOS “Mosquito crucifixion” (Make a record)

THE SUICIDE COMMANDOS “Kidnapped” (Make a record)

THE SUICIDE COMMANDOS “I need a torch” (Make a record)

THE SUICIDE COMMANDOS “She” (Make a record)

PERE UBU “Non-alignment pact” (The modern dance)

PERE UBU “Modern dance” (The modern dance)

PERE UBU “Life stinks” (The modern dance)

PERE UBU “Laughning” (The modern dance)

PERE UBU “Street waves” (The modern dance)

THE ADVERTS “One chord wonders” (Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts)

THE ADVERTS “Bored teenagers” (Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts)

THE ADVERTS “New church” (Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts)

THE ADVERTS “On the roof” (Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts)

THE ADVERTS “No time to be 21” (Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts)

THE ADVERTS “Great British mistake” (Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts)


El sótano
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