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50 aniversario de la reconciliación franco-alemana

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    France's President Francois Hollande (R) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) deliver a speech in front of the Cathedral during a day of ceremonies to commemorate the 50th anniversary of renewed Franco-German relations after World War II, on July 8, 2012 in Reims. France and Germany have worked closely in recent years as they scramble to solve the eurozone's debt crisis and observers are watching with interest to see how the relationship develops between Hollande, a centre-left advocate of growth, and Merkel, a centre-right defender of austerity. AFP PHOTO FRANCOIS NASCIMBENI

  • France's President Hollande listens to Germany's Chancellor Merkel as they attend the 50th anniversary ceremony of a reconciliation meeting in Reims

    France's President Hollande listens to Germany's Chancellor Merkel as they attend the 50th anniversary ceremony of a reconciliation meeting in Reims

    France's President Francois Hollande (R) listens to Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel as they attend the 50th anniversary ceremony of the reconciliation meeting between France's President Charles de Gaulle and Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer after World War II in Reims, July 8, 2012. REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS ANNIVERSARY)

    El presidente de Francia, François Hollande, y la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, dejan hoy de lado el debate sobre la crisis de la eurozona para conmemorar en Reims el 50 aniversario de la reconciliación franco-alemana.

  • France's President Hollande and Germany's Chancellor Merkel attend the 50th anniversary ceremony of a reconciliation meeting in Reims

    France's President Hollande and Germany's Chancellor Merkel attend the 50th anniversary ceremony of a reconciliation meeting in Reims

    France's President Francois Hollande (R) and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel attend the 50th anniversary ceremony of the reconciliation meeting between France's President Charles de Gaulle and Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer after World War II in Reims July 8, 2012. REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS ANNIVERSARY)

    La reconciliación, que más de 17 años después del final de la II Guerra Mundial se selló oficialmente con una visita del canciller Konrad Adenauer a Francia del 5 al 8 de julio de 1962.

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