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Para todos los públicos Gabby, I shrunk the kitties
Transcripción completa


# Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow #

# Hey, Gabby #

# Take us to the Dollhouse #

# Hey, Gabby #

# Little by little Let's live in the meow #

# Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow #

# Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow #

# Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow #

# Hey, Gabby... Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow #

# What's the big surprise? # Meow, meow, meow #

# Let's shrink right down and go inside #

# Hey, Gabby #

# Meow #

Hi there.

Pandy and I are doing a science experiment.

Do you want to see it?


But before we get into the action,

like MerCat always says,

"safety before science."

Now we're ready to mix.

OK. Let's see.

Let me shake this around a little bit.


(Laughs) Whoa!


It's just as I expected!

Green with blue and white stripes!

Isn't that cool?

It kind of looks like toothpaste, don't you think?

Now, that's what I call an a-meow-zing reaction.

# Meow, meow, meow, meow # (Gasps) Hey! Did you hear that?

It's a Dollhouse Delivery.

Come on, let's go see what it is.

# Meow, meow, meow #

# Meow #

# Meow #

# Meow #

OK. Let's see what our Meow Meow Mailbox has for us today.


Oh! Look at this!

Our Kitty Cat Surprise Box looks just like MerCat, right?

Check out her little starfish.

Should we open it?

We're doing it.


Another box.


And look, it has a little picture of a magic potion on it.

Should we open this one too?

We're doing it again!


Look at all these cool little bottles.

This one has purple glitter in it.

And this one looks like it has bubbles in it.


I think I know what these are.

They're the ingredients for a magic potion.

But what magic potion could it be for?

(Gasps) I bet MerCat will know.

She knows everything about spa science.

Do you want to come into the Dollhouse with us

and make some magic potions?


Time to get tiny.

# A pinch on my left Pinch, pinch on my right #

# Grab Pandy's hand and hold on tight! #


I'm over here, in the bathroom.

Come on in.

Welcome to the Dollhouse.

Now, let's find Pandy.

Do you see him?

Hug attack!

(Both laugh)

That was a good one. (MerCat giggles)

(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

Hi, MerCat. Hi, little Hamster Kitties.

(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

Hey, Gabby. Hey, Pandy.

There you go. (Hamster Kitties squeak)

OK, you little fluffer-nutters. You can go pick out a bow if you want.

(Hamster Kitties squeak)

Are you two here for a fluff-out too?

Ooh, a spa day does sound good,

but we came to ask you a potion question.

A potion question? Lay it on me.

We got these little bottles

and were wondering if you knew what magic potion they make.

You bet your whiskers I do!

Those are ingredients for my shrink potion.

A shrink potion? Yep.

With just a few drops,

it has the power to make anything teeny-tiny. (Giggles)

Ooh! That sounds paw-tastic!

Can we make some?

We sure can.

What do you say we whip up a fresh batch of shrink potion?

Can we pour the ingredients in?

(Giggles) Well, as long as you wear your...

safety goggles.

You know my motto.

(All) Safety before science.

Bubbles! Glitter!




Our shrink potion is complete.


(Hamster Kitty squeaking)

Oh! I love the color you chose, but I think it's a little big.

Should we try a drop of shrink potion on it?

(Giggles) It's time for some... (Snaps paw)

# Spa science! #

(Hamster Kitty gasps)


Oh! (Giggles)

What do you think?

(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

MerCat, that was a-meow-zing!

(Giggles) I'm so glad you liked it, Pandy.

Now, shrink potion is very powerful,

so I'm gonna put it up here to keep it safe.

(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

(Laughs) I think Hamster Kitty really likes that bow.




Huh? Oh, no! The shrink potion!

Uh... Gabby, is it just me,

or did the bathroom get a whole lot bigger? (Echoing)

I don't think the room got bigger, Pandy.

I think we got smaller.

You got to be kitten me!

Oh, I'm afraid not.

The shrink potion shrank you down to a teeny-tiny size.

(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

It's OK, Hamster Kitty.

We know it was an accident.

MerCat, does this mean we're gonna be shrinkified forever?

Oh, of course not.

I'll just whip up a batch of my grow potion

and you'll be back to your regular size in no time.

-(Both) Phew! -I've got the ingredients here.

Uh-oh. Looks like I'm all out of ingredients for my grow potion.

Fuzzy furballs! What do we do now?

OK, Pandy, I'm sure we can figure this out.

MerCat, where can we get the ingredients we need?

Luckily, all the ingredients can be found right here in the Dollhouse.

Well, everything except the rainbow sand.

That can only be found way down in Mermaid-lantis.

Hmm. (Gasps)

MerCat, Pandy and I can collect all the ingredients in the Dollhouse,

while you go to Mermaid-lantis to get the rainbow sand.

Ooh! Sounds like a purr-fect plan. (Giggles)

We'll meet right back here with all the ingredients.

Good luck, my tiny travelers. See you soon.

Gabby, how are we supposed to find all those ingredients?

I don't know if you forgot, but we're teeny-tiny now.

Don't worry, Pandy.

We may be small, but we can still do big things.

Let's see.

What's the first ingredient we need to find?

Purple glitter!

And what craft-y-riffic kitty do we know always has lots of glitter?

Baby Box!

To the craft room we go.

(Hamster Kitties squeak)

You little fluffer-nutters can give us a ride?

(Hamster Kitties squeak)

I never thought I'd get to ride a Hamster Kitty.

Hang on tight, Pandy.


# We're looking for purple glitter #

# It's in the potion That makes us bigger #

# Purple glitter #

(Hamster Kitties squeak)

# Hitch a ride on a Hamster Kitty #

# Purple glitter #

(Hamster Kitties squeak)

# We don't want to stay itty-bitty #

-(Both) Thanks, Hamster Kitties. -(Hamster Kitties squeak)

OK. Now we need to find the purple glitter.

Where's the purple glitter?

(Gasps) You found it!

Now we just need to find a way to get up there.

Hey, maybe we can climb this pom-pom string up to the table

so we can get a better look.

Good thinking, Pandy. Let's get climbing.

Oh, man!

That jar of purple glitter is still too high for us to reach.


Oh! I've got it!

We can use a ruler like a catapult. Huh?

If you stand on this side of the ruler,

then I jump on this side,

it will launch you right up onto the shelf.

Gabby, I like the way you think.

This feat of cat-tastic daring

will be easy-peasy, mac-and-cheesy.

Tiny Pandy, prepare to launch.

I'm prepared.

In three, two, one, launch!


(Grunts) I made it!

OK, Gabby,

send up the potion bottle so I can fill it up.

Whoopsie! I forgot to bring the bottles from MerCat's room.

I'll just fill up the old Pandy Pack for now.

I got the purple glitter!

But there's a slight situation.

How am I supposed to get down?

Hang on, Pandy.



You can jump right into this big jar of fluffy pom-poms

for a nice, soft landing.

Here I go.


Yay, Pandy!

Oh, yeah!

(Pandy grunts)

I can't reach.

Gabby, can you give me a paw?

(Gasps) No problem.

OK. I gotcha.

I gotcha.

Whoa! Oof!

I don't gotcha.

Well, now we're both stuck.

(Gasps) Actually, Pandy, we can call for help

with my tiny phone.

Let's call CatRat.

(Phone chimes)

(CatRat slurps)

Hey! What's going on, Gabby?

CatRat! We really need your help in the craft room.

OK. I'm on my way.

There's a box of empty potion bottles in the bathroom.

Can you pick that up on your way? Got it.

(Sighs) Alright, alright.

The CatRat's here to save the day.

Uh... Gabby? Pandy?

Hmm. That's strange. I don't see them.

Ooh! Do you know where they are?

In the pom-pom jar?

Whoa! Tiny Gabby and tiny Pandy?

What are you doing in there?

We're waiting for you to get us out of here.

I'm on it.

Phew! Thanks, CatRat. Thanks, CatRat.

What happened to you two?

MerCat's shrink potion spilled on us by accident.

So we're trying to collect ingredients

for a grow potion to turn us back to normal.

Huh. Makes sense to me.

I've got the first ingredient right here.

Could you hold out the bottle for the purple glitter, CatRat?


Cat-tastic! Now we only need two more ingredients.

But we're so tiny, it's gonna take us forever to get them.


I know, Pandy.

But maybe, if we had some big help...

Say no more.

The CatRat would be happy to help you on your mission.

Aww, thanks, CatRat.

I knew we could count on you.

What ingredient do we need to find next?

Let's see.

What ingredient do we need next?


Sprinkles? Then let's go see Cakey.

He's the king of sprinkles.

To the kitchen!

# We're looking to find some sprinkles #

# We don't want to stay this little #

Climb aboard.

# Looking for sprinkles #

# Part of the potion That will make us grow #

# Looking for sprinkles #

# Pandy keeps it handy wherever he goes #

Oh, hi there, CatRat. Hey, Cakey.

Hi, Cakey. Hi, Cakey.

Gabby? Pandy?

You're so tiny. That's why we're here.

We need sprinkles to make a grow potion that will make us big again.

If you're looking for sprinkles, you definitely came to the right place.

All I have to do is get really happy,

or really sad,

and it's a sprinkle-fest!


Uh... How do we make that happen?

Well, I was just about to make my special sprinkle cookies,

and making cookies always makes me happy,

but there's one problem.

What's the problem?

I can't find my rolling pin, and I can't roll out the dough without it.

Where's the last place you saw it?

Right over there, in my cooking cabinet.

That's where I always keep it,

but I looked there, and I didn't see it.

Don't worry, Cakey.

We'll get in there and find that pin for you.

That would be great! Come on, Pandy.

Let's go explore that cooking cabinet.


Cakey sure does keep a lot of stuff in here.

This calls for a deep search.

Follow me.



Ha! (Gasps) Whoopsie!

(Both laugh)

(Pandy panting)

Whee! (Laughs)

We made it to...

the back of the cabinet.

Cakey's rolling pin has got to be here somewhere.

Tell me if you see it.

You found it!


No wonder Cakey couldn't find it way back here.

Come on, Gabby.

Let's roll!


My rolling pin!

You found it!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sprinkle party!

CatRat, the sprinkles!

Oh! (Laughs)

Oh! Ah! (Grunts)

Got them!

Great job on the sprinkle collection, CatRat.

We just have one more bottle to fill.

What's the last ingredient we need?

A cloud!

We need some story cloud from Pillow Cat's bed.

All aboard!

CatRat, to the bedroom!

Thanks for the sprinkles, Cakey. Good luck with your growing potion.

Cakey's rooting for you.

# Story clouds are what we need #

# To the bedroom, follow me! #

# Story clouds #

# Up in the sky, moving in slow motion #

# Story clouds #

# The last part of my grow potion #

(Pillow Cat snoring)

(All laugh)

Looks like Pillow Cat's catnapping.

Let's go ask her if we can take some story cloud.


Hey, Pillow Cat.


Ooh! Was I catnapping again?

(All chuckle)

Oh! Hi there, CatRat.

What brings you here?

It's not just me.

I have Gabby and Pandy here too. (Both chuckle)

Oh, yeah! You two look different.

Did you do something new with your hair, Gabby?

(Laughs) No, Pillow Cat. We got shrunk!

Oh, my!

Now we're collecting ingredients for a grow potion

so we can get back to our regular size.

And the last ingredient we need is some of your story cloud.

Oh! Of course! Help yourself to as much as you want.

Thanks, Pillow Cat.

Um... Gabby? Just one question.

How are we gonna get all the way over there?

(Gasps) I've got an idea!

We can toss one of these balls of yarn

onto the story cloud to make a zip line.

Then we can zip across to the cloud and fill up our bottle.

Easy-peasy, mac-and-cheesy!

Wait, what?

Just go with me on this one, Pandy.

CatRat, do you think you could get this ball of yarn over there?

Pah! Leave that to old CatRat.

Oh! Here, Pillow Cat. Hang onto this end for me, would you?

Got it!


I did it!

Nice throw, CatRat.

Thanks. Here you go.

Alright, Pandy. You ready to zip?

Let's do this!

Hop on, Gabby.

Wahoo! Whee!

Whoo! Wahoo!

We made it!

And got some fancy hairdos too.

(Gabby giggles)

Let's fill her up.

I've got the story clouds.

Ooh! (Gasps)

Your magic carpet awaits.

(Gabby giggles)

Whoa! Whoa!

We did it. We got all the ingredients we need.

We just need the rainbow sand

from MerCat and we'll be growing back to normal.

Well, what are we waiting for?

To the bathroom!

Thanks for the story cloud, Pillow Cat.

You're welcome.


-I've got the rainbow sand. -(Others) Yay!

Did you get the other ingredients? We sure did.


And CatRat helped too.

Purr-fect! (Giggles)

And with this rainbow sand,

we have everything we need to make the grow potion.

Put these on and let's start pouring.

Come on, CatRat. I got a pair for you too.


Purple glitter!


Story cloud!

Rainbow sand!

(All gasp)

The grow potion is ready.

Great! Being teeny-tiny was fun, but I'm ready to be regular-sized again.

Me too. Here we go!


It worked! I'm back!

(Gabby laughs)

It's good to have you back.

Thanks, CatRat.

Yeah. You really are a true friend, CatRat.

Gabby? Pandy?

You're back!

And just in time too.

Who's up for a sprinkle cookie?

I'll have one! Ooh! Me!

Oh-oh-ho! Don't mind if I do.


No sense letting the last drop of the grow potion go to waste.

Now, that's a cookie.


(Others laugh)

Today was definitely full of surprises.

Are you ready for one more?

# Gabby Cat, Gabby Cat #

# Gabby Cat, Gabby Cat #

# Gabby Cat, Gabby Cat #

# Gabby Cat, Gabby Cat #

# Gabby Cat, Gabby Cat Gabby Cat, Gabby Cat #

# Gabby Cat of the Day!

It's me, MerCat.

Want to see something special I brought back

all the way from Mermaid-lantis?

It's mermaid foam!

Do you want me to show you how can make some of your very own?

Oh, sparkle-riffic!

The secret ingredients are...

one cup of glue,

three cups of shaving cream,

a third-cup of contact solution,

some blue food coloring,

and lots and lots of mermaid glitter.


The first thing we do is add some food coloring to our glue.

(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

And lots of mermaid glitter! (Giggles)

(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

-A little more. A little more. -(Hamster Kitty squeaks)

(Giggles) You can never have too much mermaid glitter.

-(Hamster Kitty squeaks) -Now, we mix it with our hands.

(Hamster Kitties squeak)

Next, we need our big bowl of fluffy, puffy shaving cream.

Mix in your sparkly glue.

Add the contact solution. (Hamster Kitty squeaks)

And then mix it all up.



(Hamster Kitties squeak)

(Hamster Kitties squeak)


And now you have your very own mermaid foam.

Don't you just love spa science?

Mwah! (Hamster Kitty squeaks)

Being tiny in the Dollhouse was quite an adventure,

wasn't it? (Laughs)

But in the end, I'm glad that MerCat knew just what we needed

to get back to our regular size.

MerCat's got sparkles and smarts.

# Spa science # (Giggles)

Thanks for all your help today.

I had so much fun!

I can't wait for another Dollhouse Surprise.

Bye. See ya!


La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés

8 Episodios

  • The mermaid cruise ship

    The mermaid cruise ship

    La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés21 min, 31 sec

  • Baby Benny Box in here!

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  • Snow cruise

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  • The magical mermaid-lantis

    The magical mermaid-lantis

    La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés21 min, 30 sec

  • Carlita, the ice cream truck!

    Carlita, the ice cream truck!

    La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés21 min, 30 sec

  • Gabby, I shrunk the kitties

    Gabby, I shrunk the kitties

    La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés21 min, 34 sec

  • Kitty pirates

    Kitty pirates

    La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés21 min, 35 sec

  • Easter kitty bunny

    Easter kitty bunny

    La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés21 min, 35 sec

La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés - Gabby, I shrunk the kitties


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés

La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés

La casa de muñecas de Gabby en inglés

Con un poco de magia y una nueva sorpresa cada día, La casa de muñecas de Gabby está llena de minimundos, irresistibles personajes gatunos y aventuras súper divertidas.

Acompaña a Gabby mientras descubre una nueva sorpresa cada día, comparte su emoción con su mejor amigo de peluche, Pandy Paws, y lleva a todos a la siguiente gran aventura.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 18:10 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.