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La primera década del tercer milenio en fotos

Reuters ofrece una selección de 100 imágenes para retratar una década de historia mundial.

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36 Fotos 5 / 36 ver a toda pantalla
  • Riot police storm past a dead protestor who has been shot and killed by Carabiniere during rioting in central Genoa

    La antiglobalización, fenómeno global

    Riot police storm past a dead protestor who has been shot and killed by Carabiniere during rioting in central Genoa July 20, 2001. Police fired live rouds, tear gas and used water cannon in an attempt to disperse thousands of protestors demonstrating against the G8 summit. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez
  • 11-S: el siglo XXI empieza en el World Trade Center

    Smoke from the remains of New York's World Trade Center shrouds lower
  • El indulto del pavo en 2001

    Turkey named "Liberty" surprises President George W. Bush at the annual turkey pardoning event at the White House, three days ahead of Thanksgiving, November 19, 2001. The fortunate bird will spend the rest of his days on a farm in Virginia. With the president are turkey industry representatives Jeff Radford (L) and Stuart Proctor. PP03110073 USELN KL/HB

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