English Language Broadcast   English language broadcast - 17/10/14 17/10/2014 32:11

 Justin Coe talks to two intrepid New Zealanders, author and scientific diver Winston Cowie and filmmaker David Sims, who may well be on their way to rewriting the history books, not only those of their country and Australia, but those of Europe as well, or those of the European nations whose explorers navigated the uncharted waters of the Pacific centuries ago, "discovering" islands and mainlands and continents. In the first of a two-part program, our guests explain why they say they have reason to believe that the history books about the discovery of New Zealand by European explorers may not be entirely accurate.  They've been researching what they call "The Conquistador Puzzle," and whether it was the Spanish or the Portuguese, rather than the Dutch, who discovered Australia and New Zealand.  And they've made a documentary about their research, called "Mystery at Midge Bay."  For more information, visit Winston's website, at www.winstoncowie.com .

English Language Broadcast
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